Friday, June 18, 2010

Pretty Little Liars: Episode # 2

OMG! This show's getting creepier and creepier by the minute. Jenna is back in town, school, everything and nothing is more scary than the tap, tap of her walking stick. In this episode we learn what was 'The Jenna Thing' ; about a year ago, the girls were hanging out in Emily's bedroom. Then Allison got all worked up because she claimed she saw Jenna's brother spying on them. She told the girls they were gonna set off a stink bomb in his house for revenge. Surprisingly the stink bomb took off to be more of an explosion- a bright explosion that blinded Jenna.

But that's not all the girls had to worry about! A detective apparently said he knew the girls had something to do with Allison's disappearance they ah-bviously had to deny it!

-Aria and Ezra grow closer and closer with their awkward relationship

-Emily and Maya become better friends but Emily is still torn about Allison's disappearance

-At the end of the episode, Spencer sees Jenna sitting on a bench telling her phone to send a text message. Spencer stops jogging in shock as she sees Jenna creepily turn her head towards her. Spencer couldn't see anything past those solid black glasses. Could she be 'A'? Is she the one stalking her friends and her and sending the threatening messages?

If you have no idea what I'm talking about... Watch the next Pretty Little Liars Next Tuesday!

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